
Spain News Today

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Friday, September 20, 2024

Ayuso Challenges Sánchez's Bilateral Talks

Published: 2024-09-05

Isabel Díaz Ayuso, President of the Community of Madrid, has called for a multilateral approach to regional financing discussions, opposing Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's plan for bilateral meetings with regional leaders.

Ayuso argues that these meetings aim to weaken the unity of the Popular Party (PP) and its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

She insists on a conference of presidents and a fiscal policy council to address the issue collectively.

Meanwhile, some PP regional leaders, like Fernando López Miras of Murcia, express willingness to meet Sánchez to discuss specific regional issues.

The debate intensifies as Sánchez's recent economic agreement with Catalonia raises concerns about potential favoritism and division among regions.

Ayuso accuses Sánchez of attempting to "buy" regional support, while the national PP leadership supports regional leaders addressing local concerns with the government.