
Spain News Today

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Berberoff Proposed as Supreme Court VP

Published: 2024-09-16

Isabel Perelló, the President of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and the Supreme Court, has officially proposed Dimitry Berberoff as the new Vice President of the Supreme Court.

Berberoff, a judge in the Administrative Chamber and Vice President of the conservative Professional Association of Magistrates (APM), is expected to step down from his APM role if elected.

The proposal requires the support of 13 out of 21 council members, although a unanimous or strong majority is preferred.

The decision will be made in a plenary session on September 25. Berberoff's candidacy aims to balance the leadership after Perelló, a progressive, was elected President.

Despite some reservations from progressive members, Berberoff's extensive experience, including his role as a former legal advisor to the European Court of Justice, strengthens his candidacy.

His appointment is seen as a move to enhance the Supreme Court's European dimension.