
Spain News Today

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Friday, September 20, 2024

Government Faces Criticism Over Catalonia Agreement

Published: 2024-08-06

The Spanish government is facing criticism from the opposition, particularly the PP, over a recent agreement between the PSC and ERC to support Salvador Illa's investiture as president of Catalonia.

The PP has accused the PSOE of hypocrisy for negotiating a fiscal agreement that could grant Catalonia greater financial autonomy, despite previously supporting similar arrangements in Euskadi and Navarra.

In response, the PSOE has labeled the PP's stance as cynical, highlighting that their leader, Alberto Núñez-Feijóo, once acknowledged the legitimacy of Catalonia's demands.

As the investiture session approaches, the PSOE is preparing to defend its economic achievements while countering the PP's claims of betrayal regarding national unity.

The government argues that the new funding model will benefit all regions, contrasting it with the PP's past policies that they claim undermined public services.