Last ERE Convict Released for Health Reasons

Published: 2024-08-16

Agustín Barberá, the last high-ranking official imprisoned for the ERE scandal, has been granted conditional release due to severe health issues.

The former Andalusian vice-counselor, sentenced to over seven years for embezzlement and misconduct, was released from El Puerto de Santa María prison.

His release was not influenced by recent Constitutional Court rulings that freed other officials, but rather due to his grave and incurable cancer.

Barberá's lawyer praised the decision as just and necessary, aligning with constitutional and penitentiary laws.

Unlike others, Barberá did not appeal to the Constitutional Court, which had previously annulled sentences for several officials involved in the ERE case.

The ERE scandal involved the misuse of €680 million in public funds, leading to numerous convictions of former Andalusian government officials.