
Spain News Today

Spanish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Pension Reform Faces Political Hurdles

Published: 2024-09-18

The Spanish government, led by President Pedro Sánchez, has signed a new pension reform agreement with major unions and business leaders.

However, the reform faces significant hurdles in the Congress of Deputies, as key political allies, including ERC, Bildu, and BNG, have expressed their intent to vote against it unless substantial changes are made.

The reform, which aims to improve pension access and sustainability, has been criticized for bypassing legislative debate and excluding certain regional unions.

Despite the backing from major unions like CC OO and UGT, and business groups such as CEOE and Cepyme, the reform's future remains uncertain due to the lack of parliamentary support.

The government emphasizes the reform's potential to enhance social equality and reduce healthcare wait times through increased collaboration with mutual insurance companies, but opposition parties argue it could undermine public healthcare.

The situation highlights the ongoing tension between the government's social dialogue approach and the legislative process.