
Spain News Today

Spanish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

PP Criticizes Catalonia's Fiscal Agreement

Published: 2024-08-05

The political landscape in Spain is heating up as the Popular Party (PP) criticizes the recent agreement between the Socialist Party (PSC) and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) to invest Salvador Illa as the new president of Catalonia.

The PP claims that this deal, which includes a unique fiscal arrangement for Catalonia, undermines the constitutional framework and threatens the equality of all Spaniards.

Juan Bravo, the PP's economic secretary, argues that allowing Catalonia to collect all its taxes would lead to a decrease in funding for essential services across Spain.

Meanwhile, PP leaders, including Dolors Montserrat and Isabel Díaz Ayuso, warn that this agreement could pave the way for further independence movements in Catalonia, likening it to a form of political corruption aimed at securing votes for Sánchez's government.

The PP is calling on dissenting voices within the PSOE to take action against what they describe as a dangerous shift towards separatism.