
Spain News Today

Spanish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Puigdemont's Escape: A Policing Blunder

Published: 2024-08-14

The recent escape of former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont has sparked controversy and blame-shifting among Spanish law enforcement agencies.

The Ministry of Interior has distanced itself from the failed operation, attributing the responsibility to the Mossos d'Esquadra, the Catalan police.

Despite being informed of Puigdemont's potential return to Barcelona, the Mossos' operation failed, allowing him to evade capture.

The Ministry claims it offered support to the Mossos, which was not utilized, and activated extraordinary resources only after the escape was confirmed.

Criticism has been directed at the Mossos for their handling of the situation, with reports of communication failures and inadequate coordination.

The incident has raised questions about the effectiveness of the police forces and the challenges posed by the Schengen Agreement in controlling borders.