
Spain News Today

Spanish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Sánchez Fast-Tracks PSOE Congress Amidst Internal Strife

Published: 2024-08-30

In a strategic move to consolidate his leadership amidst internal debates, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has advanced the PSOE's Federal Congress to November, a year earlier than planned.

This decision comes as the party faces internal dissent over a fiscal agreement with Catalonia, which has sparked controversy among several regional federations.

The Congress, set to take place in Seville, aims to rejuvenate the party's territorial leadership ahead of the next electoral cycle.

Sánchez's leadership has been under scrutiny due to his reliance on Catalan parties for parliamentary support, particularly after a recent fiscal pact with ERC.

The upcoming Congress will also address the PSOE's strategy on migration and housing, as the party seeks to regain its footing after significant losses in the 2023 regional elections.

The move is seen as a bid to strengthen the party's position and prepare for future electoral challenges, with a focus on revitalizing its presence across Spain.