
Spain News Today

Spanish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Spain Braces for Intense Heat and Storms

Published: 2024-08-22

As summer draws to a close, Spain braces for a turbulent weather pattern marked by intense heat and severe storms.

The Spanish Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has issued warnings for high temperatures and thunderstorms across various regions.

Extremadura faces an orange alert with temperatures soaring above 40 degrees Celsius, while parts of Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, and Aragón are on alert for heavy rain and hail.

The weekend promises further instability as a cold front from the northwest is expected to bring widespread rain and thunderstorms, particularly affecting Galicia, the Cantabrian region, and the Pyrenees.

This weather shift will lead to a significant drop in temperatures, with some areas experiencing a decrease of up to 10 degrees Celsius.

Residents are advised to stay informed and take necessary precautions against the extreme weather conditions.