
Spain News Today

Spanish news in English

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Spain's "Gag Law" Faces Major Reform

Published: 2024-10-04

After six years of negotiations, Spain's Socialist Party (PSOE) has reached an agreement with its allies to reform the controversial Citizen Security Law, known as the "gag law," originally passed by the People's Party in 2015. The reform includes the gradual elimination of rubber bullets, a point of contention that had stalled previous negotiations.

This agreement, primarily brokered with EH Bildu, aims to strengthen the coalition supporting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez amid criticism of his parliamentary majority.

The reform also addresses the contentious issue of "hot returns" of immigrants, with the government agreeing to review the immigration law within six months.

While the reform has been welcomed by some, it faces opposition from police unions and political parties like Podemos, which argue that the changes do not go far enough.

The proposal is expected to be registered in Congress soon, with hopes of passing it by the end of the year.