
Spain News Today

Spanish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Valencia Firefighters Honored in Madrid

Published: 2024-08-16

The Valencia Fire Department was awarded the "Palomas de Bronce" by the Brotherhood of the Virgin of La Paloma in Madrid for their heroic efforts during the tragic Campanar building fire in February, which claimed ten lives.

The ceremony, held at the Casa de la Villa, was attended by Madrid's Mayor José Luis Martínez-Almeida and other dignitaries.

The award recognizes the bravery and dedication of the Valencia firefighters, represented by Chief Inspector Enrique Chisbert.

The event also honored the National Police and a First Corporal from the Spanish Army for their service.

The celebrations coincide with the annual festivities of the Virgin of La Paloma, a significant cultural event in Madrid, featuring processions and restored traditional floats.

Traffic restrictions are in place to ensure safety during the festivities, with public transport recommended for attendees.