
Spain News Today

Spanish news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Venezuelan Exodus: Spain's New Community

Published: 2024-09-16

The Venezuelan community in Spain has grown significantly, surpassing half a million residents, making them the fourth largest foreign group in the country.

This influx has been steady since 2016, with Venezuelans now constituting about 1.1% of Spain's population.

Many Venezuelans, like José Maldonado and Carolina Guevara, have moved to Spain seeking better opportunities and stability, often starting from humble beginnings and gradually establishing themselves.

The distribution of Venezuelans across Spain is diverse, with significant populations in both affluent and less affluent neighborhoods, particularly in cities like Madrid and regions such as the Canary Islands and Galicia.

This migration is part of a larger exodus, with over 7.7 million Venezuelans leaving their homeland due to economic and political turmoil.

Spain has become a key European destination for these migrants, offering a new start despite the challenges of integration and employment.